Dantex is to deliver three PicoColour digital label presses to printers across the EMEA region.

The three inkjet digital label presses are being shipped this month for installation at printers in the UK, Czech Republic and North Africa. The PicoColour being delivered to the UK customer will include a range of additional features.

Simon Cosh, business development manager of Dantex’s Digital Division, said: ‘During these unprecedented times, we are so proud to be able to make these installations, thanks to the dedication and loyalty of our workforce.

‘We have successfully managed to keep the UK manufacturing and logistics operation functioning, and it is a testament to the resilience and ability of our teams that they can come together and deliver, even in such a challenging situation.’

Mr Cosh continued, ‘We are doubly proud, because these three very different locations for the PicoColour fully confirm the excellent acceptance level of our technology and equipment. Furthermore, the reach of these installations, across two continents, demonstrates the high regard for PicoColour across the global marketplace.’ 

In shipping the presses at this time, Dantex confirmed that it is fully complying with UK Government COVID-19 pandemic guidelines and restrictions, whilst ensuring that the safety of its engineers and warehouse staff is uppermost at all times. The use of all the latest technology available will ensure continuation of the installation process.