Dublin-based McGowans has become the first printing and packaging company in Ireland to implement CarbonQuota’s software, which it is using to assess and manage its carbon footprint and help further the journey towards reducing the business’ environmental impact.

CarbonQuota offers access to five years of activity-based, scientifically sound and real sector data to measure carbon emissions accurately. CarbonQuota uses a specific industry-led and science-rooted database which forms the engine that drives its accuracy.

Having integrated CarbonQuota’s carbon calculator into its Tharstern MIS software, this integration captures specification data at point of entry for a quotation and returns product-level carbon footprints directly back into the hands of McGowans in seconds. The calculator offers a holistic perspective, considering not only McGowans’ facilities but also those of their suppliers and their suppliers’ suppliers. This approach results in a broader and more accurate carbon value dataset that can be reported to environmental disclosure platforms, such as Ecovadis, and shared directly with clients to drive eco-design decision making. McGowans initially engaged CarbonQuota to assess the business’ Scope 1 and 2 carbon footprint, effectively measuring the direct carbon contributions of the entire organisation. The results not only established a reliable baseline but also provided valuable recommendations for McGowans’ carbon reduction strategy.

‘We believe that to truly make a difference, we need solid, measurable data,’ commented Emerson Palmer, sales director at McGowans. ‘Through our partnership with CarbonQuota, we can now show tangible results and provide our clients with accurate, informed data on their consumption behaviours.’

Robyn Newberry, head of marketing at CarbonQuota, added, ‘By integrating the carbon footprint at quoting stage, printers can engage their customers in informed and confident conversations about the environmental impact of their products, elevating the discussion beyond price. This is absolutely the standard we should be striving for in the industry.’

Dominic Harris, CarbonQuota co-founder, said, ‘With consumers and regulations applying pressure for organisations to go NetZero, the need for scientific measurement and detailed reporting of packaging and print is now a pre-requisite for doing business. We aim to provide a full view of the total lifecycle environmental impact of a job.’

The strategic alliance between McGowans and CarbonQuota is intended to provide ‘accurate carbon footprint measurement, reporting and reduction’ and to demonstrate McGowans’ firm commitment to adopting environmentally conscious business and operational practices.

Mr Palmer concluded, ‘We all need to seriously reflect on the impact our business and personal choices make in our most fragile and precious world. Compromise, consideration, education, and making longer term positive choices will leave our world in a better place for our future generations. These are virtues we continually recite and act upon in McGowans.

‘We see CarbonQuota as another tool in our arsenal of positive progression towards a more sustainable company.’