Are you able to make business decisions quickly and with confidence?

You are sitting in a management meeting. You are trying to make a decision and you want the facts in front of you to be able to make, not just an informed decision, but the right decision. You know the figures that you need, but somehow they are never at your fingertips – someone has to export some data first or two spreadsheets need to be compared – or you need to find someone who remembers how to build a pivot table for comparison.


The Label Traxx Business Metrixx Module is a reporting dashboard designed to provide management with key information on the performance of their business. It takes volumes of data from a single source and turns it into easy to understand, visual information. The module is designed to provide best-practice metrics on the entire company performance – not just sales – allowing management to clearly see trends, monitor progress, and take action where necessary.


Business Metrixx utilises a balanced scorecard approach, ensuring one metric does not cause the wrong action, and ensures the entire organisation stays focused, making the right decisions at the right time. It is a cross-functional information centre, providing real-time data to the entire organisation from the following areas of Label Traxx:







Purchase orders



Sales ledger

Purchase ledger


Cash management


‘Our customers are capturing vast amounts of performance data daily,’ says Label Traxx president Ken Meinhardt. ‘The challenge comes in being able to easily process it and present it in a meaningful way. And our customers want to be able to process that information quickly. Business Metrixx enables management to make informed decisions about the future of their business – and there’s no waiting around in meetings to get the data in front of you. It’s all pulled quickly, in real time from Label Traxx. The module can help identify areas that need improvement and also form the basis of KPIs that you can track.’


Contact Label Traxx for a demo or more information on Business Metrixx


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